The Clothes Show Live : The Fashion

Hello everybody ! If you follow me on twitter then you'll already know that I attended the Clothes Show Live on Sunday.I had an amazing time and took some great pictures thanks to Olympus Pen giving me a camera to use for the day. This post is dedicated to the amazing fashion shows and beautiful designs. 

WARNING : This post is quite picture heavy !!

This was the first fashion show that I have been to. Thanks to Olympus, I got a VIPP (Very Important Pen Person) pass and got to sit in the front row. This show was all about Emerging Designers. It included collections from Natasha Somerville, Louise Annis, Anna Ross, Pariss Dowe, Eujean Cha, Daisy Jet Thornton,Charlotte Armistead, Grace Weller, Gina Atkinson and James Kelly. As you can see from the pictures above the clothes look AMAZING. My favourite being the Pringles, Heinz and Randoms outfits. I also love the designs with models wearing hats/masks. It makes me think of stylish RubberBandits haha. I adore the textures and colours in James Kelly's collection and overall, I think he was my favourite designer in this particular show.

Next we made our way to the Image Catwalk which was sponsored by Company. This was the Graduate Catwalk but it did not disappoint. A special guest by the name of Jamie Laing (Made in Chelsea) helped host this Catwalk show. He did a quick competition with two girls from the audience and they got goody bags for taking part. The designs yet again were beautiful. I adored the capes in the first picture, the red one reminds me a bit of little red riding hood. My favourite was definitely the multi-coloured coat with the glitter detail in the second picture, I just love anything that sparkles.  I also really liked the white dress, it was very structured and really well made, such creative people. The last collection was beautiful. The head pieces were awesome and the corsets were just incredible !!

 The main event ! The main fashion show was just unbelievable. This was the first big fashion show I've attended and it exceeded all of my expectations !! The show was hosted by Rick Edwards and one of my favourite youtubers Jim Chapman. Amy Childs came out and displayed a few pieces from her collection, Stereo Kicks performed (and were really very good actually) and it was on with the fashion.

It began with a backdrop of NYC and the style was fabulous. The dancers/models were phenomenal. they put on such a stunning show. The themes varied between a frozen/ winter wonderland to bikini/summer, from dark/mysterious to light/fun. I have to say it was exceptionally well put together and just so AMAZING !!! I can't  actually fault it at all which is always a good sign !

Overall the fashion shows that were held throughout the day were pretty darn spectacular. My favourite was of course the main event. I have left out the Zandra Rhodes catwalk and collection because I'm going to dedicate a whole post just to her. I would definitely recommend going to the Clothes Show Live. I can't talk highly enough about it. I had a fantastic time and hopefully will get to go again !!

Did you go to the Clothes Show Live ? What did you think ? 

Erin X 

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