Fave Bloggers/Vloggers in March

This month has been crazy busy at college. The one thing I've loved so much is coming home in the evenings and getting lost in some blogs and watching great videos on Youtube. This month I've chosen four bloggers and four Youtubers that I have really loved. I'll start off with the bloggers this month.....

Missemmalouise12 : Emma is a beauty blogger from Ireland. I really like her style of writing and read all of her posts. I particularly like the length of her posts because they're never too long or overwhelming. Her photos are always fab too and I have just been really loving her blog this month. My fave posts this month were Style Steal | Taylor Swift and #Dear Me

The Beauty Ideal : Lauren is a beauty blogger from Manchester. I have been reading her blog for the longest time and love every single blog post that she puts up. If you haven't already checked her out, I highly recommend her blog. She posts very regularly too which is just great !! My fave posts this month were This and This.

Aisling Wallflower : Aisling is a fellow ITWBN blogger. I didn't actually get to meet her at the last meet up unfortunately but hopefully I will in May ! I have been loving Aisling's blog this month. Her pictures are so colourful and she seems like such a fun person ! My fave posts this month were THIS and THIS !

Claire with the Hair : I met Claire through the Limerick Bloggers Network and I'm so delighted that I did. She is so lovely and full of knowledge. Her blog is so inspiring, she's come such a long way in such a short time. My fave posts this month were THIS and THIS

I have been finding so many great Youtube channels recently. Here are four YouTube channels that I've been loving all month....

Riona Cahill : Riona is an Irish beauty youtuber. I only found her channel recently but have been loving her videos. She is absolutely stunning and creates beautiful makeup looks. One of my fave videos this month was THIS ONE

Charlotte Ryan : I am obsessed with this girls channel ! Her editing skills are crazy good!! Charlotte is an Irish youtuber living in Brighton. Her videos are such good quality it's unreal !!! One of my fave videos this month was THIS ONE

Ellie Steadman : I'm obsessed with Disney and she makes Disney related videos...need I say anymore ?? She also does Beauty and lifestyle videos. I've really enjoyed her channel this month !  One of my fave videos this month was THIS ONE

James Mitchell : I recently found James' channel through some other Irish youtuber and I'm so happy I did. He is beyond hilarious. I've loved all of his videos and just think he's a great Youtuber ! I definitetly recommend his channel and if you're going to watch any video today make sure it's THIS ONE

So that's it for another month ! I hope you liked this post and found some new favourites. What blogs/ Youtube channels have you been loving this month ?

Erin X

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much featuring me!
    Emma xo | missemmalouise12.blogspot.ie


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