100 Days of Happiness and 100 Fit Days !

Hello everybody ! If you've read THIS post then you'll know I didn't have the best of years in 2014, but that's all in the past now and it's onward and upwards from here on out. I have decided to change my lifestyle this year, both on the inside and out. I'm doing the 100 happy days to work on being positive on the inside, and I'm doing the 100 fit days to work on the outside ! I'll be doing two separate posts every Friday about how my week was in terms of happiness and fitness. I'll also be posting pictures daily about my jouirney on my Instagram so make sure you check that out. To kick things off I thought I'd share some of the quotes that have inspired me.

Image source HERE

Is anyone else making a change this year ?

Erin x
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  1. Fab inspo! It's always good to resolve to be healthier, the happiness one is equally as important too. Good luck! x

    Josie’s Journal

    1. Thanks ! My main goal is to be healthy on the inside and the outside ! x

  2. This sounds like great goals, and such inspiring quotes! I'm going for changes as well, but I'm not really sure how yet. I'm starting an education in a little more than a week, and that is step one! xx


  3. Great idea to do both, I did 100 happy days and got to 70 something I think!


    1. Yeah I heard of the two of them separately and just decided to do both together !

  4. Hey Erin, I just nominated you for The Liebster Award (check out my blog for more details) https://aislingflynn2014.wordpress.com/2015/01/12/the-liebster-award/

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