Threading at The Body Shop - My Experience

Hello my lovelies,

A little while ago I was approached by The Body Shop, they offered me the chance to try out their threading and tinting service. To be honest I didn't even know they offered that in their stores. It's funny actually, me and one of my good friends were chatting one night about eyebrows(as you do) and she was telling me to stop waxing as it eventually leads so loose skin that will kind of 'hang' over your eyes. She suggested threading and I said I'd look into it. The very next morning, I woke up to email offering me the chance to try threading, I took it as a sign.

So off I went into Limerick's store to get my eyebrows tinted and threaded. I've never ever had them tinted or threaded, I usually just wax them, occasionally pluck and fill them in with my trusty Benefit Brow Zings. I will admit I was very nervous, I've heard threading can be very painful and I have a very low pain threshold. I had a patch test for the tinting dye the day before because a patch test is required at least 24 hours before your first tint. This is just to make sure that you aren't allergic to the dye.

I went in and the girl that was doing my eyebrows was just lovely. I lay back and stretched the skin either side of my eyebrow. This is done to reduce pain as well and help the beautician when she's shaping your brows. The process of threading is literally two strings that are wrapped around your stray hair and pulled from your skin, almost like mass plucking. I have to be honest here, it was  painful. My eyes did water and it did hurt more than waxing !

After my excess hair was gone and my eyebrows were shaped, it was time to dye them. The dye was cold but wasn't in any way uncomfortable or itchy. I had the light brown shade applied and it stayed on for about 7/8 minutes. When it was time to take off the dye, the beautician simply wiped away the dye with a cotton pad and some cream/cleanser. 

To top it off, just at the end she gave me a quick head message and it was just glorious. I've never gotten a proper head message before and now I definitely want one !

This is my eyebrows afterwards and I was super happy with the result. While it did hurt a bit, so did waxing the first few times I tried that. I think it's something your skin gets used to. I did actually like the treatment so much that I booked in for my next appointment at the end of July and dare I say it I'm looking forward to it. I'm so pleased that I got the chance to try threading and I think after a few more times, I'll be a convert. No saggy eyes for me thank you!

Has anyone else tried threading ? What's your thoughts ?

Erin X
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  1. I didn’t know that they offered threading and tinting either, I love that they give a head massage also sounds such a good service and your brows do look fab :)

    Charlee XO | CharmedCharlee

    1. Yeah, it's a great service, can't wait to get them done again ! Thank you so much <3

  2. Threading is great, as it's super quick..... It makes plucking them such a chore. I'll have to look in my local store to see if they do it.

    1. Yeah I was pleased with how quick it is ! Definitely worth checking out !

  3. Threading is great, as it's super quick..... It makes plucking them such a chore. I'll have to look in my local store to see if they do it.

  4. Very useful information in the blog on
    ,worth reading .

  5. wow!! This is the best eyebrow threading services really helpful post thanks for sharing this. On the off chance that anyone need to enhance magnificence then you can visit us once full face threading.

  6. Really thanks for sharing this great knowledge. MLNB Academy provides the highest standard of eyebrow threading classes in Seattle. Courses are held at our Seattle. Enroll in Seattle's most popular eyebrow-threading programs. For more visit our official website.

  7. Thanks for sharing the knowledge with us. We also provide multitude of services including Eyebrow Threading

  8. Eyebrow waxing is a popular option for people who want to sculpt their brows for a more finished appearance. It is rapid, effective, and may be performed in a salon or spa setting.

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  10. Threading at The Body Shop delivers precise eyebrow shaping with minimal discomfort. Iconic Brow N Lash Their skilled technicians use traditional techniques to sculpt brows beautifully. The process is quick, affordable, and results in clean, well-defined arches that frame your face perfectly.


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