10 Ways to Stress Less

Hello everyone!

If you follow me on snapchat (chasingrubychat) then you'll know about my current health situation. Currently I am trying to juggle lots of things such as a full time job, a blog, a YouTube channel, some health issues and seeing James, my friends and family. This can get very stressful and it has been stressful. So due to health reasons I've had to FORCE myself to stop stressing and relax. This is easier said than done, but here's a few things that I do to help me stress less...

1. Dance it off, or in the words of T Swift Shake it off. 
2.Go for a walk and have some alone time to gather your thoughts.
3. Talk about it / Call you mammy.
4. Get some sleep, go to bed early.
5. Focus only on what you can control.
6. Ask for a hug, sometimes you just need a hug.
7. Reminisce on good times.
8. Lights some candles and take a bath.
9. Smile and force yourself to laugh, you'll be surprised at the positive effect it will have on you.
10. Breathe.

These are a few of the things that I do when I get stressed and they work for me. Let me know in the comments, what helps you stress less...

Erin X
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  1. These are lovely and it is so true that we need to stress less. There are so many things in our life that we deal with yet we need to ensure that we take a step back and, well, chill!
    I hope things get calmer for you - oh, and shaking it off is fun! :D

    BerryBloomXO.com | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog 
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    1. Haha shaking it off is my fave ! Thanks for reading ! x

  2. Love this. I'm hugging some pretty serious issues and health problems and life and blogging and I spen half an hour a day colouring sad but true. I breath tell myself I can't control what's happening and colour


    1. You can only control the controllables ! Hope everything works out for you, sending you positive vibes xx


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