5 Netflix Shows I'm Obsessed With...

I don't really watch normal TV anymore. I watch YouTube and Netflix. I think a lot of people my age do the same nowadays. I started watching Netflix when I came to college last year and since then I've become a little obsessed. I've found some really great shows and some crappy shows. Today I'm going to tell about 5 shows that I'm obsessed with...
Once Upon A Time : This is a very recent obsession, I seen some YouTubers talking about this show so I said I'd check it out. One episode in and I was hooked. I watched all four seasons in less than two weeks !! I'ts so so good. If you like fairytales, Disney, fantasy, make believe kind of shows, the you will LOVE this. I cannot recommend it enough and can't wait for more episodes.

Daredevil : Another recent find. I watched the first season in about three days and loved every minute. There are no filler episodes, each one is action packed and amazing ! If you like Marvel then you'll love this. I can't wait for the next season.

Friends : Do I even need to explain my obsession with Friends ? I've loved it as long as I can remember. When Netflix added Friends it was like a dream come true and also very dangerous for my college grades haha.

Sherlock Holmes : My boyfriend made me watch Sherlock and I'm so happy he did. After about 10 minutes into the first episode I was obsessed and watched everything within a week. If you like crime shows then this is one for you !

Gossip Girl : When GG was on Tv I never paid much attention but after hearing every blogger and the mother going on about it, I finally gave in over Christmas and well became obsessed. It's such a good show and I was so sad when I reached the final episode !!

What are your favourite Netflix shows ? What do you recommend I watch next ? 

Erin X


  1. I see a trend, you like to watch all the episodes as fast as you can! Don't worry, it takes all I have to not watch all 4 seasons of Once Upon a Time in a day! haha! Jokes aside, I really do enjoy Once Upon a Time and have only discovered it within the last two weeks! I watch a couple of episodes a day and am hooked!

    Oh, and Sherlock is just incredible! I haven't yet watched the last episode (season 3, episode 3), quite frankly because it's not on Netflix and I don't want to watch it in crappy quality! But as soon as summer rolls around I am totally watching it!

    I also watched Homeland this time last year and it was the same scenario that I have with Once Upon a Time right now - I watched a few episodes a day until there were no more left on Netflix!

    Oh, and I totally agree - I only watch YouTube and Netflix now-a-days! What more could a girl need, hey?! ;)

    BerryBloomXO.com | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog 
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  2. I LOVE Sherlock, if you like that you might like Doctor Who :) Have you watched Pretty Little Liars, that's my obsession xx

  3. I used to watch GG when it was on cuevana and I liked a lot but not the final episode, right now I'm watching daredevil and the blacklist those are great!

    The Color Palette

  4. We're loving Once upon a time at the moment! :)

    Abby & Kayleigh // SBW-D.blogspot.com

  5. Once Upon a Time is freaking AMAZING! I'm so in love with it! Can't believe its finished for now though :) Can't wait till the Fall when it comes back on :)


  6. I'm obsessed with How I Met Your Mother. I might even like it more than Friends, which is a shock since I love Friends a lot!

    X Marjolein


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