Cheesy Movies That I Love

I am a huge movie lover ! I go to the cinema a couple of times a month and I watch films every day, well most days ! So after spending so much time watching all kinds of movies, good, bad and the downright awful, I've come up with a list of some of the cheesiest movies that I actually really love !

The Notebook : The ultimate chick flick romance movie. I do personally love this movie and I love every other movie that has been adapted from one of Nickolas Sparks novels. I always cry at this movie, even though I know what's coming , I still cry EVERY time !!

10 things I hate about you : I think this is such a great teenage romcom. I think most teenage girls can probably relate to this movie in some way or another and while it is very cheesy I just love it.

Clueless : An absolute must see !!

The Proposal : Who doesn't love Sandy Bullock ? This is one of those movies that I never get tired or bored of watching. I'd say I've watched it about eight times and I would have no problem watching it again.

He's just not that into you : Now this is a movie that everyone can relate to, even if it is very cheesy. I think we can all predict the ending from early on in the movie but I don't care I love it.

Dirty Dancing : This is my mammies favourite movie of all time and I know why ! I think almost everyone has seen this movie and if you haven't then you know the songs. #ICarriedAWatermelon

The Back up Plan : I love J-Lo and I actually think she's a great actress. I think this movie is so darn cute. Yes it's predictable and yes it's cheesy but I can't help but love this movie.

The Prince and Me : This is a movie that I've loved since I was a lot younger. I'd still watch this movie now ! It's a classic love story. I also love all the sequels to this movie and have them all on dvd.

Made of Honour : Again a classic love story, best friends for a long time, one person gets engaged to someone else, the other person realises the love them...blah blah blah they end up together !

The Perfect Man : Lizzie McGuire is in this movie !!

So these are some of my favourite cheesy movies , what are some of yours ?

Erin X


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