My Blogging Essentials

I have been blogging for over a year now , so I thought it was about time that I share some of my blogging essentials. My essentials have changed over time, but the basic elements have always stayed the same...

Camera: For the first six months of blogging, I used my phone. The quality of pictures were awful so I knew I needed a proper camera. I settled on the Nikon J1 and I'm really happy I did. It's a great little camera that produces very decent pictures. It's also the camera I use for filming my YouTube videos. I probably will upgrade my camera at some point but it's perfect if you're just starting out or if you have a small budget.

Laptop: You don't need a laptop for blogging, you can do it easily on your phone or a tablet. But I always prefer writing my posts on my laptop. I don't like the Blogger app and just finding writing from my laptop much easier.

Notebooks: I have loads of notebooks, I find them so useful. They are incredibly handy for housing all of your ideas and lists. I find it much more therapeutic to actually write things down, and I tend to remember things more.

Google Drive: I love organising things and google drive is perfect for just that. I keep my blog planner, my YouTube planner, my calendar, some notes, pretty much everything to do with Chasing Ruby Chat on my google drive. It's so handy because I can access it from my phone, laptop or anywhere really! The only limit really is space but that kind of forces me to simplify everything and declutter everything from time to time.

Lights: I recently invested in a set of artificial lights because from about September to March, it's very difficult here in Ireland to get good natural daylight to take pictures. I use the Glamcor lights and while they are pricey, I paid about €250 for mine, they are in my opinion worth it. I can take pictures and film videos at any hour of the day now.

PicMonkey: I use the free version of Picmonkey to edit all of my photos. I think it is an incredibly handy tool. There is so much you can do with it and it's completely free. Good photos are essential for any blog in my opinion and using Picmonkey is so simple and you can create beautiful pictures from it.

Backgrounds & Blu Tack: This is something I still struggle with, but feel I'm getting much better at. I use everything from wallpaper and trays to big sparkly handbags. Blu Tack is essential if you're taking photos of a product or multiple products that aren't flat. The amount of times I used to try and take photos of mascaras or eyeliner, only to have them roll away just as I pressed click on the camera. Enter blu tack, a small amount will go a long way and save you lots of frustration.

Social Media: In order to grow my blog, social media has been absolutely essential. Some of my favourite apps are Tweetdeck, Snapchat, Facebook and Twitter. I love them all for different reasons and might do a separate post on them altogether.

So there you have it, my blogging essentials! What are your blogging essentials? 

Erin X


  1. Hi Erin, I have never thought of using blue tack! You just made life a whole lot easier! I am obsessed with notebooks - I have way to many and end up writing everything several times because I can't find the right notepad I used last time!


  2. Wow that i a big list, i was also thinking about purchaising light, i have the same problem in Holland hahaha. But i do find the investment quite high. The light outside is getting better. It doesnt go dark untill 17.30 now. xoxo

  3. I love your blog Erin! I never had thought to use these things for blogging, however, I am a massive fan of Picmonkey!

    Freya |


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