Let's Catch Up!

SO I accidentally took like 3 months away from blogging! It wasn't intentional, it just naturally happened. This is my third year blogging and this year was the year I blogged the least. A lot of it had to do with my lifestyle but I also kinda fell out of love with writing.

Let's start at the start, at the beginning of the year I was so excited, as I always am for a fresh start, a new year. I had a list of resolutions and was hell bent on achieving them. Then college came about and slapped me in the face, mega hard!!! From February to May, I was under constant pressure, so many assignments, so much stress (I documented it all in my monthly vlogs if you're interested!). I honestly just didn't have the time or inclination to sit down and write. I was keeping up with my YouTube channel and loving that so much more, I was posting at least 2 videos a week and updating all my social media too. I did manage the odd blog post here and there but found I was only forcing myself to blog.

Once summer rolled around and the stress of college had faded away, I had lots of time on my hands. To be totally honest, I just wasn't inspired to sit down and write. I had lots of ideas, still have about 10 posts in drafts but my heart wasn't in it and I felt it showed. I became far more interested in my YouTube channel and posting on social media so I let myself go with that and slowly but surely I stopped blogging altogether.

So now we're in October, I've moved house (twice but that's a story for another day), I've started my final year in college (which is kicking my ass already), I've a part time job and I kinda want to start writing again. I feel really inspired and want to go back to where it all began, right here on this little site. Being honest, I have no clue how often I'll be able to post on here but for the first time in a long time, I don't feel pressured or forced into writing on here, I feel excited, really bloody excited!

If you didn't already know, I do a monthly vlogging series where I essentially vlog my entire month and stick all together into one video! Those videos will give you more of an insight into what I've been up to and how I was feeling so far this year! I feel really positive about being back on here and can't wait to get stuck in!

So basically, I'm back bitches! 

Erin X 
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