Fave Bloggers | September

Hi Everyone!

If you've read my blog for a while you'll know that I used to do a monthly feature of some of my favourite bloggers in that month. I was shocked to see that the last time I did this was actually April!!! So I'm back sharing some of my favourite blogs today, hopefully you'll find some new blogs to spend hours reading. I have some really fantastic blogs to share so please do go over and have a look through their blogs!

SO in no particular order here's who I've been loving this month...

1. Claire by Reverie : Claire is an absolutely amazing blogger! I love how she writes, it's so easy to read. Claire focuses on beauty and lifestyle and I always love her reviews! Very in depth, helpful reviews with great photos. Even though I haven't met Claire I feel like I know her. She is so supportive of other bloggers and just generally a lovely human being.  She also has a fitness blog so be sure to check that out too. It's called Volta Fitness! My fave post from her this month was THIS ONE !!

2. Tres-Belle : Grainne is the fabulous blogger behind tres belle and her blog is just as fab as she is. Grainne's blog is a beauty and parenting blog. I simply can't scroll past if I know there's a new post up, I just love her posts! She gives lots of detail on products but her posts are never too long. They're the perfect length! Just like Claire, I feel like I know Grainne even though we haven't met! Definitely check her out on snapchat too, her daughter Lucy is so freaking adorable! My fave post from her this month was THIS ONE

3. Behind Green Eyes : Sharon is the lovely blogger behind this amazing blog! Her blog focuses on beauty, parenting , books, food and DIY. I know this might sound weird as I'm only 20 but I love her parenting posts! In particular THIS one! I just love how she writes, she has me hooked from the first to the last word in every post. Aside from the parenting posts, her beauty posts make me wanna spend all my money!! She is such a talented blogger so definitely check her out!

4.  It's All G Blog : The lovely Grace is the beautiful blogger behind It's All G! Her blog is for anyone who is obsessed with beauty and makeup! I'm warning you in advance though, she will make you want to spend all of your money, you have been warned ! She is also the loveliest bloggers I've ever come across, very supportive so definitely do go over and check out her fab blog! My fave post from her this month was  THIS ONE

SO those are the wonderful blogs that I've been loving this month! 
What blog have you been loving ? 

Erin X
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  1. Hey there iv nominated u for the lovely blog award 😊https://shellyquinnysblog.wordpress.com/2015/10/04/648/


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